Where are the young Garry Hoyts?

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Someone making sense, some thanks where deserved, and Garry Hoyt has a book that's not about sailboat design...

Since we were looking at a balanced lug rig yesterday it got me thinking of Garry Hoyt, his "Balanced Rig", and why are there not a bunch of young boat designers doing the Garry Hoyt thang these days.

We could really use some new blood with the Hoyt ability to mine the past and the needful hucksterism to actually make those repackaged and slightly improved ideas palatable to the sailing public. Or in other words, we need some folks with the balls to scandalize the neighbors instead of doing the same old same...

Take Hoyt's newish take on a balanced jib boom...

Not exactly a better mousetrap but it does make some sense. Of course, for anyone with a passing aquaintance of sharpies and other boats that used unstayed rigs which set their jibs "flying" it actually looks kind of normal.


The important thing is Hoyt is not doing the same old same and that requires some thought. Last I heard that was what made the difference between a good drawer of plans and a real designer.

Listening to Fairport Convention

So it goes...

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