A better than good film...

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An important note regarding critical thinking skills, sense being made, and, apparently, a very popular game these days...

Speaking of critical thinking, I watched  "All is Lost" last night.

The important thing is it's a very good film.

Now, you may have noticed a LOT of people have written scathing reviews about the film in terms of its sailing inaccuracies. Most of which I simply did not find... Sure there are a few small issues but most of the criticism I've come across directed at this film are more about nitpicking rather than substance.

Of more importance is just how detached from reality a lot of those fault finders happen to be. In real terms, have they never ever met a single-hander or done something stupid on a sailboat?

As it happens, I've met lots of single-handers over the years and I'm not shy about admitting that I've made some pretty epic boneheadedly stupid mistakes while sailing. Truth is, we all make mistakes and, as such things go, the "Our man" character seemed to be quite a bit ahead of the curve.

I'm sure someone will write in and tell me...

 "But he didn't have an EPIRB"

The thing is, a lot of folks don't have EPIRBs. Some rely on SAT phones and some folks even make the decision that an EPIRB is not needed because they have no right to trigger a rescue that may put others in harm's way. As someone who's thought long and hard about the whole call for rescue scenario and the ethical dilemma of putting other people at risk to save me from a position I've placed myself in willingly, I've come to the conclusion that there is a very valid case for sailing long distances without an EPIRB.

As for the "I'd never do anything this stupid" armchair Monday quarterbacking crowd, I'll just say this...

Yes you would.

My advice as far as this film goes is to watch it. It's a good film and you will be a better person for having watched it.

Listening to Alan Price

So it goes...

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